Marvin Marvin

You're Welcome ep

/self-released; 2003/



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Well, self released oftenly implies self produced and in the case of this self proclaimed “electric indie orchestra” (whatever it means) I believe the major flaw of this EP is the production-mixing aspect. The drums and the flat bass lines are surprisingly prominent; I say surprisingly, because Marvin Marvin is a guitar band or so it seems. So one must overcome this latent dissatisfaction in order to take pleasure from this quite good five track EP. I say quite good, because as they agree themselves, their music has nothing revolutionary.

‘Born2’ is a short punk rock song with an interesting Smashing Pumpkins/Gish era style bridge but a hundred seconds are not enough to appreciate fully. The opening riff on ‘Game over’ and some of the singer’s phrasing reminds me of the late Sloy, and connoisseurs might take this as a compliment. Well it’s catchy but there is no risk at all in the composition (except the fact that they play this music in France of course). And yet I cannot stop wishing they had mixed the whole thing better. The sound is way too clean and so the heavier parts lack intensity. ‘Misery Stains’ evolves from a shady copy of the preceeding song to a good song in itself. ‘Really Real’ is an attempt at presenting darker moods combined with catchy melodies. Some gimmicks are quite unnecessary (repeated bends, harmonics) but we all play these things with a guitar in our hands. The last song ‘Wanna Die’ was not burnt properly so I cannot really talk about it.

In the end, I don’t mean to be insulting for anyone, but writing the review while listening to the CD once again makes me realize that I don’t really like ‘You’re Welcome’, not because of the songs but because of the sound. The EP was made on a single day so I am sure the band could not achieve everything they wanted and that they are conscious of this embarrassing flaw. I hope they’ll keep on doing this kind of un-revolutionary kind music and I am eager to hear from them again with a better sound.

-Uninteresting review by Angus ‘ladeeda’ Anderson.

/oct 15th 2003/